The J&C Blog

Is Content Marketing A Viable Avenue for Improving A Utility’s Brand Perceptions?

Written by Sheera Eby | Dec 2, 2014 12:00:00 PM

Technology has changed communications, leaving marketers wondering whether or not traditional marketing methods are still viable.1 While television, radio and print ads still have a place in many industries, consumers' ever-growing reliance on the Internet has opened new avenues for marketers. That means more ways to connect with consumers. Many utilities have a goal of building their brand and generating customer loyalty. This doesn’t always come naturally between utilities and their customers, given the low-involvement nature of the utility industry. Content marketing may be an underutilized digital technique for many utilities. Content marketing generates engagement that can result in increased customer satisfaction and ultimately improved brand perceptions.


Traditional media outlets are no longer the most effective channels
Movies, music, books, magazines...almost every type of entertainment is now available online. The American Press Institute reports that, although just under 90% of Americans still get their news from the television, almost 70% of people get news from laptops and computers.2 That has the Internet outranking newspapers and radio. This migration has altered the effectiveness of traditional ads for a myriad of reasons, including reach of message, length of communications and the fact that consumers can simply click away from or mute advertisements to avoid them.


Additionally, people are more actively seeking information. According to Pew Internet,335% of people surveyed said they use their mobile phone to access the Internet to find solutions to problems, and 30% have done the same to decide whether or not to use a local business.


I’d argue the Internet has created the ultimate consumer empowerment. Today’s consumers don't want advertisements to tell them which company they should do business with and prefer. Today’s customers want to decide that for themselves, relying on the facts they find to make that determination. That's what makes content marketing for utilities so effective. Content marketing can establish a utility as the authoritative, go-to company when consumers have a question or a problem.



Engaging customers, a utility’s chief challenge
People are going to the World Wide Web to find out about almost everything. According to the Local Search Association,4 local resources such as online directories saw a quadruple increase in traffic by the end of 2012 on non-PC devices alone. Effective marketing needs to be in the right place at the right time for users. Content marketing for utilities aligns perfectly because it provides users valuable information when they are looking for information. Energy efficiency information, advice on equipment and appliances, winterizing checklists and other educational content can be presented across a range of formats.



How content marketing can support branding for utilities
Each time a utility uses digital marketing to deliver content, it does more than convey a positive message about the company. It creates an opportunity to engage users and solve their problems. Search Engine Watch5 points out that a content marketing strategy adds weight to the brand. Not only does valuable, educational content help establish a utility’s brand authority, but when content is shared repeatedly, it provides significant social value. This adds to brand strengthening and consumer perception. Through sharing, people are recognizing the value of a utility’s brand and recommending it to others.



The investment that keeps paying
Content marketing for utilities can require time and resource commitments, but can bring amazing results if executed correctly. A survey published by HubSpot6 revealed that marketers who put high priority on blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive return on their marketing dollars. Content can be used to create connections with customers through social media, but it's not a quick fix. Utilities should set expectations that content marketing is a mid to long-term tactic that increases returns on marketing investment over time. Email marketing, social media, e-newsletters and SEM are the reliable team of digital marketing co-stars that use content to establish a utility's authoritative reputation, improve brand image and engage customers.


It may be useful for utilities to continue to allocate some marketing dollars into traditional marketing methods. The value of digital marketing for utilities is growing and cannot be overlooked. Interested in help from experts who understand how to employ content marketing effectively to build brands? Get a free marketing assessment and all the help you need from J&C, the utility and content marketing specialists.




1. Fortune
2. American Press Institute
3. PewResearch
4. Local Search Association
5. Search Engine Watch
6. HubSpot