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Triggered emails continue as one of the most effective forms of email marketing

Written by Sheera Eby | Feb 19, 2014 12:00:00 PM

Email marketing continues to be one of the common forms of marketing, with the number of emails annually deployed continuing to grow. So what are the most effective forms of email marketing? It turns out that triggered emails continue to prevail as one of the most effective forms of email marketing, as they are driven by actual user behavior. Triggered emails are typically automated emails that a user receives based on an action or behavior.



While many marketers are “faking” the implementation of behavior-based triggered email marketing by batch-sending emails versus automating, the effectiveness remains strong. When it comes to email marketing facts, there is no doubt that automated emails and triggered emails are showing a positive return on investment. Here are some current email facts and stats that will make you a believer if you doubt that triggered emails should have a role in your current marketing mix.


1. 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an email marketing message1
Email marketing is clearly one of the most effective and cost-efficient forms of marketing. Email marketing is a sphere of influence that is growing. As a targeted channel, deployment and customization costs are relatively low compared to many other channels and allow for quick measurement. The Direct Marketing Association reports that email marketing has influenced 2 out of 3 consumers to make a purchase. That is an astounding number, and likely growing.


2. Triggered email click-through rates continue to rise
When compared to basic, general email marketing messages that are sent to customers or prospects, triggered emails have a 152% higher click-through rate.2 This number continues to rise. That means more customers are looking at triggered emails and clicking on links to take action.

This is probably due to the inherent timing in that triggered emails are typically sent in response to a user-driven action or behavior. User-driven behavior generally equals relevancy. And relevancy generally drives enhanced performance in communications.


3. 75% of companies send welcome emails the same day2
According to the MarketingSherpa 2012 Email Marketing Benchmark Report, welcome emails are the most popular forms of triggered emails. Welcome emails come in a number of different flavors: post-purchase, post-registration, post sign-up, post-newsletter subscription or even after a user becomes a fan. The key driver in welcome emails is timeliness. Of companies that send welcome emails, 75% of companies send a welcome email on the same day.2

Furthermore, it appears that consumers want and expect a welcome message. Many users yearn for the validation that a process has been completed, whether it be an order confirmation, registration confirmation or other online process. Welcome email messages satisfy an innate human desire to know something was done correctly. Furthermore, when a welcome email message is done correctly, it can serve as the first step in relationship building.


4. Triggered emails have a 70.5% higher open rate2
In 2012, HubSpot reported that triggered emails were reaching close to 50% open rates. It appears that open rates for triggered emails continue to be significantly higher than general, traditional emails. Open rates are likely influenced by the fact that consumers received an email based on a behavior or action that they had taken.


5. 21% of email revenue comes from triggered email strategies2
Triggered emails still are only being used somewhat conservatively by marketers, so this stat might surprise you. According to Epsilon’s Q4 2012 Email Trends and Benchmark Study, triggered email messages accounted for 5% of total email volume in Q4 2012. Even though triggered emails account for a small percentage of email campaigns and marketing strategies, 21% of the revenue generated from email messages comes from triggered emails. Again, this demonstrates that triggered emails are more effective than general emails.


6. Almost half of welcome triggered emails sent by financial institutions were opened
Emails that are sent by financial institutions have a leg up, so it is no surprise that open rates tend to be higher. As an agency, Jacobs & Clevenger deploys millions and millions of emails on behalf of financial service companies. Our findings are consistent: Users are nervous about ignoring emails from their financial institutions. Our findings indicate that almost half of welcome emails triggered by financial institutions were opened.



Email marketing facts show the value of automated and triggered email marketing strategies. The increased revenue, higher open rates and improved conversion rates suggest that triggered email marketing is one of the most effective strategies to generate revenue, build relationships and apply to your marketing plan. To learn more about triggered emails, download our ebook Triggered & Behavioral Email Marketing Facts & Best Practices.




As email marketing continues to be a revolving door for optimization and improvement within email communications, half the battle is keeping up with current trends. To learn if your current marketing activities could benefit from applying the latest effective email marketing techniques like triggered emails, take our FREE email marketing assessment.



1. Direct Marketing Association, Saturday Stat Series: The Influence of Email Marketing Messages
2. Email Stats Center,