The J&C Blog

Two articles that demystify lead generation

Written by Sheera Eby | May 28, 2014 11:00:00 AM

Lead generation and acquisition marketing tend to be topics many marketers grapple with on a daily, even an hourly basis. Generating leads requires a structured, disciplined process and strategy. Unfortunately leads do not just land in your lap.



Prioritizing lead generation techniques can be a challenge for many marketers. With the advent of technology, there are more techniques for lead generation than most marketers could ever afford.


Here are two of J&C’s most popular articles that discuss contemporary lead generation techniques and approaches.


1. The two most effective lead generation techniques.
There are a number of different techniques that generate hand raisers and leads for your products and services. These lead generation techniques span a multitude of online and offline channels.


This article discusses the two major different approaches to lead generation – inbound versus outbound. The article outlines how digital channels can play a role in generating leads as well as what role direct mail should play in the channel mix. Additionally, this article provides insights on proven lead generation techniques. It includes reasons why email marketing has not proven to be an effective technique for lead generation.


This article details why you should or shouldn’t use certain techniques (or strategies) and gives you crucial tips on how to optimize your campaign to deliver the most effective results. It also reminds you how important it is to make a personal connection with your prospects by using the tried-and-true techniques of direct marketing such as relevancy and tailoring. Check out The two most effective lead generation techniques for more information.



2. What content marketing frequency is necessary to drive website traffic and leads?
Content marketing is becoming increasingly accepted as an effective lead generation technique. One of the key questions many marketers have is what role can content marketing play within the digital lead generation mix?


As many marketers begin their content marketing journey, they quickly wonder what level of commitment is required. How often should we blog? What level of downloadable content is necessary to support an effective contact marketing strategy? How often do we need to refresh content on our website to get Google’s attention?


The reality is that your website is the first impression most prospects will have of your company. A stagnant and never changing website is viewed by search engine web crawlers as one that never updates or changes with the times, and is not usually rewarded with better rankings. Google and other search engines reward recency.


Fresh, relevant content like blogs stand out to a search engine and as a result these sites are rewarded with better rankings on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Improving search engine optimization and page rankings can increase the chance of attracting leads. Check out this article to learn more about how to use content marketing as an effective lead generation technique and what role frequency plays in the lead generation process.


These are two articles that highlight effective lead generation techniques. Each of these articles provides marketers with critical information as they continue to optimize their digital marketing plans.


To learn more about lead generation and how to tame the content marketing beast for your business, sign up for a J&C Content Marketing Action and Assessment Plan personalized session.