The J&C Blog

How to finish strong in 2024

Written by Brian Jones | Jul 12, 2024 8:55:01 PM

Don't look now, but 2024 half over.

And it's been quite a year, hasn't it? We've seen everything from the AI revolution with ChatGPT to the USPS grappling with inflation. But here's the million-dollar question:

 What does all this mean for our direct mail strategies in the coming year?

First things first - should you be investing in direct mail in 2024? In a word: absolutely. Reports show that 89% of us have either increased or maintained our direct mail investments. And guess what? This trend is set to continue. Direct mail is still delivering the goods with impressive ROI and conversion rates that keep us coming back for more.

Now, let's talk strategy. In 2024, we're breaking free from the old constraints of mail. It's time to get personal - really personal. We're talking advanced data strategies, predictive analytics, and behavioral triggers. Remember, half of US consumers are willing to share their info for a more personalized experience. For Pete's sake, give them what they want.

Also, with third-party cookies going the away, first-party data is your new best friend. And don't forget about quality third-party, offline data - it's gold for creating those spot-on customer profiles.

On the creative front, it's time to innovate and captivate. We're not just sending mail anymore; we're crafting experiences. Think interactive elements, sensory engagement, and compelling stories that resonate. And please, let's make sure we're not sending product promos to customers. Rookie mistake.

Here's a pro tip: team up with J&C's experienced creative professionals. They know how to make your mail stand out in a sea of mediocrity.

"89% of us have either increased or maintained our direct mail investments"

What about multi-channel? If you're not integrating direct mail with digital, you're missing out big time. Studies say that 91% of us are seeing positive impacts from this integration. It's all about creating a seamless experience across mailboxes, both physical and digital.

Now let's talk about the "power" of mixing things up. When you combine online and offline channels, you're opening up a whole new world of possibilities.

By constantly testing and tweaking, and using smart modeling techniques to target the right folks, you're not just throwing darts in the dark. You're creating a marketing strategy that's efficient, relevant and cost-effective.

We've seen clients boost their conversion rates while cutting down on their cost per acquisition. How's that for a win-win?

So, there it is. Direct mail in 2024 is all about personalization, innovation, and integration. It's an exciting time to be in this field, and I can't wait to see what amazing campaigns we'll create in the coming year.

In this ever-changing landscape, staying informed and adaptable is key. So, keep experimenting, keep learning, and most importantly, keep mailing.

Need Help Getting Started?

If you need help putting a winning direct mail campaign together, let us know. We can help you use our proven techniques and tactics to help increase the performance of a program you’re already running or kick off a new one. J&C has over 40 years of experience and would be happy to learn more about your company and your goals. Contact J&C today. That way, we can give you an honest assessment of how we can work with you to achieve better results.