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The CMO Role Is Transforming – How Do You Measure Up? (Score sheet)

Posted by Ron Jacobs on April 26, 2024

As a chief marketing officer, you know the traditional marketing playbook has been thrown out the window.

Today, you have to master a multitude of new skills and take on a whole new set of responsibilities. So how do you stack up in these key areas (Rate yourself: 1 Novice – 10 Guru):

Managing Brands and Performance

Gone are the days when you could simply focus on big, creative brand campaigns. Today you need to be ambidextrous - an expert at both brand marketing and performance marketing. You need to tell powerful, emotional brand stories. But you also have to continually optimize marketing performance across multiple channels to meet your goals and numbers. Brand building and ROI accountability now go hand-in-hand. How would you rate yourself?

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"Today you need to be ambidextrous - an expert at both brand marketing and performance marketing"

Being a Technologist

Technology is reinventing marketing at a blistering pace. And it seems to all be coming at once – AI, automation, adtech, martech, etc. etc. To capitalize on new tools and capabilities, you must become aiStock-1770650467 technologist and futurist. Stay on the cutting edge, rapidly testing and implementing innovations. The most effective CMOs are making themselves mini-Chief Technology Officers. How are your tech chops?

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Juggling Traditional and Digital

You’re responsible for tried-and-true channels like direct mail as well as the latest digital platform. You have to design seamless experiences that move customers from the offline world to online touch points. Multi-channel integration and orchestration are mission-critical skills. And today, customer journeys are now massively more complex than ever. So, how do you see yourself?

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Integrate Data and Creativity

In this data-driven world, you need to lead with the numbers while still allowing space for creative magic. You need to leverage machine learning, predictive modeling, and robust testing to make marketing more scientific. But don't let left-brain analysis diminish creative ideation. You somehow have to find the artful balance between solid foundational data and engaging, emotive storytelling. How well are you doing that?

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iStock-1320084856Use Behavioral Insights

More and more customers are wary of companies using their personal data for targeting. As a result, smart CMOs are shifting toward behavioral marketing based on digital body language and real-world actions. Now you not only have to know what customers want, but also understand how people behave across channels so you can hyper-personalize experiences without invasive personal tracking. Are you doing that?

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Plan for an Unpredictable Future

As the marketing world continues to evolve, relying only on established industry norms is a recipe for obsolescence. Constantly educating yourself on emerging trends, technologies and tactics has to be a core iStock-1706404243competency. Keep the old playbooks close by but get comfortable operating in a constant state of change. Curiosity and adaptability are essential if you’re going to succeed in this brave new world. Are you ready?

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The CMO position has become arguably the most challenging and multifaceted leadership role in business. You must be an artists and scientist, technologist and humanist, extrovert and introvert, a thinker, and a doer. Thriving requires you to excel in new and sometimes drastically different areas. While the demands on you are high, so are the opportunities to make a real impact. CMOs who embrace the changing landscape will be the architects of the marketing strategies that redefine the industries. The authors of the new age of marketing.

Could that be you?

Your Overall Rating:             

"Keep the old playbooks close by — but get comfortable operating in a constant state of change"

How To Get Started

If you need help managing traditional and digital media or with your data analytics and creative, let us know. J&C has over 40 years of experience helping CMOs get measurably better results. We would be happy to learn more about your company and your goals. Contact J&C today. That way, we can give you an honest assessment of how we can work with you to achieve better results. 

Topics: CMO, Inbound Marketing, Direct Marketing, Data Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Data

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