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How To Automate Your Marketing Approach Across All Devices and Channels — And How To Do It All Under One Cohesive Marketing Strategy

Posted by Ron Jacobs on April 2, 2020

People-Based MarTech relies on people-based targeting, replacing the need for and far exceeding the power of cookie-based data. Brands unlock a singular view of consumers, one that anchors all of the data discussed to a single email address.

As a result, brands can automate their marketing approach across all devices and all channels under a single cohesive marketing strategy. The power of people-based marketing stems from the fact that it looks at the business’ lowest common denominator, the consumer, as opposed to a specific channel or device.

Forrester Research in its Empowered Customer Segmentation study last year moved away from demographic segments and toward grouping consumers “according to how they respond to new products and technology” — behavioral and attitude segmentation rather than demographics segmentation. “There’s a type of behavior and attitude that isn’t just a function of age or even a life-stage,” Anjali Lai, an analyst at Forrester, said in the report.

Consumers are living longer and staying productive, too, something The Age of No Retirement community is embracing with its idea-sharing annual festival. The Age of No Retirement, Flamingo and Tapestry Research collaborated on a survey of 2,000 people, ages 18 to 70-plus, which revealed “86% of people across all ages believe inter-generational design principles are important, yet only 16% believe brands are currently applying them well.”

Find out how J&C can help you automate your marketing approach. The result will be better retention and better business outcomes.

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Topics: Digital Marketing, Data Marketing

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