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The CMO Role Is Transforming – How Do You Measure Up? (Score sheet)

CMO, Inbound Marketing, Direct Marketing, Data Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Data April 26, 2024

As a chief marketing officer, you know the traditional marketing playbook has been thrown out the window.

Today, you have to master a multitude of new skills and take on a whole new set of responsibilities. So how do you stack up in these key areas (Rate yourself: 1 Novice – 10 Guru):

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“I always wanted to be somebody, now I realize I should have been more specific.”   – Lily Tomlin

Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative May 18, 2022

Did you ever notice...

The most successful direct response campaigns have something in common —


I was first introduced to this idea while on a call with the great Herschell Gordon Lewis. During the discussion, he simply said — “…specifics sell.”

And the beauty of this concept is that it applies to direct mail... email... display ads... websites... landing pages... etc.

Be personal. Be relevant. Be specific.

If you write in generalities, if you write in broad strokes, if you pen mere platitudes, your copy will not only

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The World of Digital Display Ads: 4 Types to Try Today

Digital Marketing, Email Marketing September 30, 2021

You see them everywhere. Browsing blogs, shopping online, reading the news…

No matter where you look, you’re bound to see digital display ads on the internet.

And it’s only getting more popular.

According to Mailchimp, data suggests that digital ads will make up more than half the total ad spend in the U.S. by this year, compared to 40.5% in 2017.

As digital advertising continues to grow, it’s more important than ever to keep up with the trends and tactics at play.

Let’s look at the types of digital display advertising… and see how you can benefit from each.

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A Guide to Email A/B Tests — Infographic

Email Marketing, A/B Testing September 16, 2021

Email marketing can be tricky. Online, consumer tastes and expectations change as quickly as you can open a new tab. What worked for you before may fail when you try it again. 

But it's not a crapshoot. You can learn a lot about your audience through a little bit of science. The best way to improve your email marketing strategy is...


But before you do, you need to follow a few ground rules. Take a look at the infographic below to learn the basics of A/B testing for email. 

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5 Things Email Marketers Should Know About Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection Feature

Email Marketing, Marketing Data August 12, 2021

When it comes to email marketing, you could have the cleanest list... the most pristine copy... the most eye-catching design. But success can often come down to metrics. With the advent of tracking pixels and custom tracking URLs, metrics like open rate and click-through rate have been easy to collect.

Until now. 

Apple is expected to release iOS 15 this Fall. And one key feature in this update is Mail Privacy Protection 

What is Mail Privacy Protection? 

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What Is a Drip Campaign? Here's Everything You Need to Know

Email Marketing November 5, 2020

It’s been said before. 

The right message... to the right person... at the right time. It’s the recipe for a successful conversion. 

Of course, it sounds simple. But how do you find the right audience? How do you deliver that resonant message? How do you ensure it gets to them at the right moment?  

Well... that’s where an email drip campaign can help.  

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Here's How to Craft the Perfect Email Subject Line (And What NOT To Do) — Infographic

Email Marketing October 15, 2020

The elusive email subject line...

It's the first impression. The teaser. The little moment you get to plead your case in someone's inbox. It's the difference between getting a click... or getting sent to the trash. 

So, how do you do it? How do you create that perfect subject line that gets the reader to pause... click... and read the rest of your email? Well, there's not one formula. But there are a few tried-and-true techniques that WORK... and a couple that usually DO NOT.

Check out the do's and don'ts of email subject lines in the infographic below. 

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Effective Email Marketing for the Financial Services Industry

Digital Marketing, Email Marketing October 8, 2020

Email marketing is essential... especially for the financial services industry. As banking and finance management becomes more digital by the day, it makes sense to utilize this all-important channel for marketing. Read on to learn how you can use email marketing to build trust with your customers.

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What You Should A/B Test in Emails — And How to Do It

Digital Marketing, Email Marketing October 1, 2020

Email marketing is both an art and a science. The art comes in with elegant designs, punchy subject lines and well-written copy. Then there’s the science. The data and statistics prove which parts of the art gets people to interact with your email… and which parts don’t work as well. That’s where A/B testing comes into play. Running head-to-head tests allows you to experiment with the creative and understand the effect. Read on to understand the rules of A/B testing, the parts of an email you can test and the metrics you should look at afterwards.

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Personalizing Your Message Without Looking Creepy

Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing June 18, 2020

 Personalization is simply a must for marketers. Consumers and business buyers want personalized communications and organizations see a greater return when implementing it. In Salesforce’s Fourth Annual State of Marketing Report,  52 percent of consumers and 65 percent of business buyers stated they would switch brands if a vendor did not personalize communications. Personalization was once as simple as inserting the contact’s first name and maybe even a company, and that was all that was needed, but it has evolved to so much more.

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