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Harnessing the Power of Emotion in Direct Mail and Email Campaigns

Content Marketing, Direct Marketing, Personalization, Relationship Marketing, Marketing Data, Emotional Marketing July 26, 2024

As direct marketers, having your message stand out from the crowd is critical. You never want to blend in or become part of the noise. Today consumers are bombarded with more messages daily, than they ever have been before. So marketers need to find ways to cut through the overload and make a meaningful impression. One approach that has proven effective time and again is “emotional marketing.”

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How to finish strong in 2024

Content Marketing, Direct Marketing, Personalization, Relationship Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Data July 12, 2024

Don't look now, but 2024 half over.

And it's been quite a year, hasn't it? We've seen everything from the AI revolution with ChatGPT to the USPS grappling with inflation. But here's the million-dollar question:

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AI is a Marketer's New Best Friend

Content Marketing, Direct Marketing, Personalization, Relationship Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Data June 19, 2024

Seems everyone is talking about AI these days.

But the big question is, what are the best ways to use it in our everyday business?

First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: AI is no longer a futuristic concept; it's a reality that's already making waves in our industry. In fact, a recent Hubspot survey revealed that a whopping 64% of marketing professionals are already using AI tools in some capacity. Impressive, right?

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The Future of Marketing — Looking 3-5 Years Out

Content Marketing, Direct Marketing, Personalization, Relationship Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Data, Direct Mail, Hyper-personalization June 12, 2024

As a direct marketing pro, you know that the playing field is always changing. So let's take a sneak peek at some key trends that are going to transform how we do business in the next 3-5 years.

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Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI — What You Should Know

Direct Marketing, Personalization, Relationship Marketing, A/B Testing, Direct Mail, Direct Mail Format May 23, 2024

You're probably hearing a lot of buzz about large language models (LLMs) and generative AI these days. And for good reason – this technology is poised to transform marketing in some major ways.

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Choosing the Right Direct Mail Format: Envelope vs. Postcard

Direct Marketing, Personalization, Relationship Marketing, A/B Testing, Direct Mail, Direct Mail Format May 3, 2024

Direct mail continues to be an effective marketing channel, but determining the right format for your campaign can be crucial for maximizing response rates and return on investment (ROI).

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The CMO Role Is Transforming – How Do You Measure Up? (Score sheet)

CMO, Inbound Marketing, Direct Marketing, Data Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Data April 26, 2024

As a chief marketing officer, you know the traditional marketing playbook has been thrown out the window.

Today, you have to master a multitude of new skills and take on a whole new set of responsibilities. So how do you stack up in these key areas (Rate yourself: 1 Novice – 10 Guru):

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Using Hyper-targeting and Hyper-personalization Without Relying on Sensitive Personal Information

Direct Marketing, Personalization, Marketing Data, Hyper-targeting, Hyper-personalization April 25, 2024

This is the last of four blog posts on Hyper-targeting and Hyper-Personalization. In this post we will explain how these two strategies can be applied without using sensitive or protected personal information. If you missed any previous installments, you can find them here: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3

In today's digital marketing landscape, the integration of hyper-targeting, hyper-personalization, alongside behavioral insights and data-driven creativity, can set the stage for groundbreaking multi-channel campaigns.

Here's what you need to know to get the most out of your efforts...

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Using Hyper-targeting and Hyper-personalization in Banking, Credit Cards and Insurance

Direct Marketing, Personalization, Data Marketing, Hyper-targeting, Hyper-personalization April 18, 2024

This is the third of four blog posts on Hyper-targeting and Hyper-Personalization. In this post we will explain how these two strategies can be applied in data rich categories such as banking, credit cards and insurance. This includes strategies for each channel, as well as real world examples. If you missed previous installments you can find them here: Click here for Part 1. Click here for Part 2

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Pump the Power of AI Into Your Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Insurance Marketing, Artificial Intelligence April 16, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool in the realm of direct marketing, offering a wealth of opportunities to enhance personalization, optimize campaigns, and drive better response rates. By harnessing AI's capabilities, marketers can unlock a level of customer engagement that was previously unattainable. Sounds amazing right?

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