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Want a better email open rate? Start by reaching the inbox

Email Marketing July 23, 2015

If you’re like most marketers who use email in their campaigns, you probably would like to know that you are doing everything you can to improve your email open rates. Well, before you get too wrapped up in that, it’s a good idea to first ensure that your emails are reaching the inboxes on your subscriber list.


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Triggered emails: A high-caliber re-engagement tool

Email Marketing June 11, 2015

I don’t know how I started doing this, but whenever I decide to go ahead and buy something of significant value, either online or at a store, I refer to it as pulling the trigger. As in, “I pulled the trigger on those concert tickets.”


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Email CSI: What killed the response?

Email Marketing June 9, 2015

It was a dismal spring evening in the City of the Big Shoulders.

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4 Relevancy Rules for successful email campaigns

Email Marketing April 30, 2015

My email inbox has become a “junk drawer.” If the term is new to you, please allow me to explain.
successful email marketing campaigns
The junk drawer is a uniquely American phenomenon. It’s that one undefinable storage space where you can discover almost anything. Usually, the junk drawer is tucked away in the recesses of a workshop cabinet, home office or kitchen, and it can harbor everything from screwdrivers and flash drives to aspirin and mystery keys.

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Email marketing’s secret weapon

Email Marketing April 16, 2015

Thank you for accepting this mission. Before we begin, let’s go over the essentials.

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2015 Marketing Strategies Based on 11 Retail Trends from the 2014 Holiday Season

Email Marketing March 26, 2015

Marketers often spend months dissecting the results of their holiday retail marketing efforts to ascertain how to refine the next holiday season's marketing plans for greater impact. Those who are studying the results of the 2014 holiday retail season are uncovering some insights that could have a tremendous impact on their plans for 2015.


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How content marketing supports the customer journey

Email Marketing March 10, 2015

In digital marketing, customers’ needs should always be the primary focus. Not only do all customers have needs, but those needs should be met in the most expedient and fulfilling way. Modern customers are discerning. Confronted with large volumes of messaging at all sides, they know how to get what they want and they will always go down the path of least resistance. Marketing your company successfully involves supporting the customer journey on their terms and considering their key decision points.


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Email marketing insights and insanity

Email Marketing January 22, 2015

“We can measure anything.” That’s the mantra when it comes to email marketing. And it’s true.

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6 Techniques to Enhance Mobile Optimized Emails

Digital Marketing, Email Marketing January 7, 2015

Email marketing is one of the more successful channels for communicating with consumers. With over 91% of consumers using email at least once a day,1 and with an average return of $44.25 for every $1 spent on email marketing,2 it makes sense to target consumers through their digital inbox. But it's not enough to just send an email blast out to a targeted list. With over 51% of email opens occurring on a mobile device,3 it is important to develop mobile optimized emails.


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Email marketing performance stats and benchmarks

Email Marketing October 29, 2014

Email performance is generally equated to open, click-through and conversion rates. While some sources have reported a decline in the basic engagement metrics, it appears that email is trending toward great productivity among those users that do engage. Revenue per email, return on investment and other performance metrics show promise with upward trends. Here are 6 email facts and associated insights that can serve as benchmarks and direction for email marketing efforts.

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