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Sheera Eby

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What is considered spam by the user?

Email Marketing May 20, 2014

Have you often wondered what is considered email spam by the user? In this case, I’m not referring to actual email deliverability. This article hypothesizes about emails that end up in a user’s email inbox, but is a communication that the user considers as unwanted email.

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8 facts that define the current state of business-to-business email marketing

Email Marketing May 16, 2014

Business-to-business marketers often ask us, “What makes successful email marketing?” They also often ask, “How are consumer and business-to-business emails similar and how are they different?”


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Misuse of marketing data impacts email marketing program results

Email Marketing May 13, 2014

Building a successful email marketing campaign requires that marketers achieve relevancy in their marketing communications. I’d argue that successful email marketing programs in the future will leverage data to create relevant email marketing campaigns. The success will lie in leveraging data to create meaningful campaigns. My hypothesis is that data-driven campaigns are less likely to result in marketing fatigue if messages are considered relevant and valuable by audience.

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10 Surprising Mobile Marketing Facts

Mobile May 7, 2014

Mobile marketing is becoming a must in most marketers’ plans. Look around you in the world today, and it’s clear that cell phones, smartphones and other mobile devices are everywhere. Mobile marketing has become vitally important to companies in all industries. These mobile marketing facts and stats will inspire you to take mobile marketing to the next level.


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How Many Mobile Only Users Exist and What Does This Mean?

When I first heard about the “mobile only user,” I was shocked to learn that 25% of Americans fell into this category.1 The “mobile only user” is a quickly growing segment. The mobile only user is defined as those who either don’t use computers at all, or are an infrequent user, using a computer less than once a month.

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An alternative to the massive website redesign to increase on-site conversions

Digital Marketing April 16, 2014

Many marketers are challenged by the need to constantly update their website. Updates for new products and services, updates for new areas of focus, technical updates, legal updates, enhancing the transactional nature of the site—the list goes on and on. The reality is that most companies also find nuances that they’d like to change in their website before they can even complete a massive overhaul. While there are times when a full redesign can be effective, it may not always be necessary.


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6 proven techniques for increasing conversions

Digital Marketing April 10, 2014

While generating traffic and leads is essential to many marketers, increasing conversions is increasingly becoming a focus. Conversions are where the “rubber meets the road.” Conversions for some marketers might be converting on-site traffic to complete a lead form, while for other marketers conversions are measured as the purchase or transactional mechanism. Whatever your definition of a conversion is, it is likely that increasing conversions is something that ties directly to increasing your company's revenue.


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10 Amazing SMS Marketing Facts and Stats

Mobile, SMS Marketing April 9, 2014

SMS marketing continues to validate its place as an effective channel. SMS marketing statistics and facts demonstrate that mobile marketing is an effective channel to engage and deliver a measurable, positive return on investment. Here is a collection of 10 SMS marketing statistics that reinforce the fact that SMS marketing is a key channel marketers need to consider in their mix. 

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The two most effective lead generation techniques

Inbound Marketing, Direct Marketing April 3, 2014

There are a number of different techniques that generate hand raisers and leads for your products and services. These techniques span a multitude of online and offline channels. Most people are familiar with the sales funnel concept: that prospects and customers are moved through a number of stages based on their readiness to buy. Another common framework is the AIDA, where the process starts with generating awareness and interest.

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Content marketing: Not your ordinary web page

Content Marketing April 1, 2014

Many marketers believe they are actively engaging in content marketing. I often hear marketers say, “We have a lot of pages on our website describing our services,” or “We have a number of case studies.” Content marketing is a strategically and analytically driven process of driving website traffic and converting that traffic to leads.


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