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Is content marketing the most effective way to build an email opt-in list?

Inbound Marketing November 6, 2013

Email is an effective and cost-efficient mechanism to communicate with prospects and customers. The cost per contact with email can be a fraction of the cost versus other targeted channels such as direct mail. Purchasing email lists, however, has a number of drawbacks. Typically, purchased email lists don’t work. Email marketing is most effective where the user has a perceived relationship with the company. People simply view unsolicited emails as spam. There is significant fear about opening and clicking on emails that aren’t from a company or brand people perceive having a relationship with, or have actually provided their email address.


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Why your website isn’t generating leads—Part 2

Inbound Marketing October 29, 2013

This is the second installment of why your website isn’t generating leads and tips to help you leverage your website for lead generation. Digital marketing lead generation techniques are becoming more essential to marketers. This includes driving more traffic to your website as well as converting visitors to leads. Here are the remaining 11 tips on how you can better leverage inbound and content marketing as a lead generation technique.


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Why your website isn’t generating leads—Part 1 of 2

Inbound Marketing October 29, 2013

Many marketers are turning to digital marketing as a core lead generation technique. Leveraging digital marketing techniques to drive more traffic to a website is a common practice. Outside of traditional search engine optimization, there are a number of inbound and content marketing techniques that can be considered to drive more traffic to your website.


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Content is king but relevancy rules

Inbound Marketing October 16, 2013

Every marketer has heard the mantra, “Content is king.”

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More than 30 key metrics that can drive your content marketing strategy

Inbound Marketing October 15, 2013

Content marketing is a growing strategy being employed by marketers. Content marketing can serve many purposes within a marketing mix. Setting a content marketing strategy and focus is essential to success.


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How to ensure your content marketing is firing on all cylinders

Inbound Marketing October 10, 2013

Content marketing is one of the hottest topics in marketing right now. Many marketers are formulating their content marketing strategies and executional plans. As marketers begin to leverage content marketing as a new vehicle for reaching customers and prospects, they’ll be faced with challenges.


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Is it better to outsource or build in-house capabilities for content creation?

Inbound Marketing October 9, 2013

Content marketing seems to be a hot topic of discussion in marketing today. Forbes recently identified content marketing as one of the top online marketing trends for 2014.


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6 reasons content marketing may be the most effective lead nurturing technique

Inbound Marketing August 22, 2013

According to MarketingSherpa, a whopping 68% of business-to-business organizations have not identified their funnel. That is an astounding revelation, considering that most leads aren’t ready to buy the first time they land on your website.


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If you don’t have a content marketing strategy, you’re missing a viable lead generation technique. Here are 5 steps to getting started with content marketing.

Inbound Marketing August 9, 2013

Are you concerned your company isn’t getting found by prospects? Is your website not delivering enough leads? Do you want to improve your company’s ability to appear in search rankings? Do you want a behaviorally based lead nurturing process?


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