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Is AI Part of Your Marketing Plan?

Personalization, Marketing Data June 5, 2022

It’s been quite a ride.

COVID-19… The Great resignation… Hybrid work styles…

For marketers, this has been the most tumultuous 2+ years in recent memory.

But if you’re reading this, congratulations, you made it this far...

So enough already. Enough looking back, enough lamenting about what was.

Let’s take a look ahead.

What’s next?

What’s out on the horizon?

What could impact your business in the next two years?

Well, how about Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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3 Data Trends That Should Drive Your 2022 Marketing Objectives

Personalization, Marketing Data April 7, 2022

Did you know 90% of the world’s data was created in the past two years?  

It’s true.  

It’s one of the many takeaways in Simon Data’s 2022 State of Customer Data report (available here).  

That statistic alone shows how vital it is to stay on top of the latest consumer data, trends and habits. This exponential growth means marketers need to keep up… or get left behind.  

So looking ahead: what’s next for marketing data? Here’s how data trends are evolving in 2022. 

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5 Things Email Marketers Should Know About Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection Feature

Email Marketing, Marketing Data August 12, 2021

When it comes to email marketing, you could have the cleanest list... the most pristine copy... the most eye-catching design. But success can often come down to metrics. With the advent of tracking pixels and custom tracking URLs, metrics like open rate and click-through rate have been easy to collect.

Until now. 

Apple is expected to release iOS 15 this Fall. And one key feature in this update is Mail Privacy Protection 

What is Mail Privacy Protection? 

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Branding and Marketing Efforts are Shifting Amid COVID-19

Marketing Data July 22, 2020

There’s no doubt that the pandemic has thrown a wrench into everyone’s plans for 2020. To avoid tone-deafness during a crisis, many brands have had to tweak, pivot or completely scrap their marketing calendar. In a recent survey of marketing professionals across industries, only 6% didn’t have to change their marketing strategy. The rest are refocusing messaging or changing how they do business. Forty-five percent of companies surveyed say the impact is moderate… they haven’t had to throw everything out the window. But 18% have found themselves changing drastically.

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13 Types of Essential Marketing Data and What They Can Do For You

Digital Marketing, Marketing Data March 30, 2020

Marketing and communications are in a rapid pace of ongoing transformation. The ability to track media, channel, and device consumption has never been greater. Marketers can now track and identify consumers across some offline and nearly all online behavior. They key to all of this? Marketing data. The immense amount of data available to marketers is growing more and more useful in the digital age. As marketing decisions become more complex and with shorter horizons, big data and other analytics capabilities become faster, more efficient, and more affordable for small businesses as well as enterprises. To help marketers make use of the data at their fingertips, we have broken down the various types of marketing data and how each can help your business.

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