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Take Advantage of USPS Promotions with These Emerging Direct Mail Trends

Relationship Marketing, Direct Mail March 11, 2021

Direct mail is constantly evolving. And innovation can pay off. It can generate higher response rates among your target audience... and it can even get you a discount from USPS. 

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Variable Data Printing & Direct Mail Are Poised for a Renaissance in 2021

Data Marketing, Direct Mail February 18, 2021

Direct mail has been a powerful marketing channel for decades.  

But looking ahead... it seems that direct mail is poised for a new renaissance in the 2020s.  

Customers are becoming more wary of digital tracking and privacy on the web... 

And the integration of new media with tangible mail creates a powerful, lucrative marketing opportunity. 

This is especially true when you’re trying to micro-target new customers and build lasting relationships with existing customers 

After allthese innovations simply help do what marketers have always tried to do: get the right offer in front of the right person at the right time

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Direct Marketing: Your Secret Weapon For Re-Establishing Customer Relationships

Relationship Marketing, Direct Mail July 16, 2020

A good direct marketing campaign does three things well: 1.) It promotes the right product/service, 2.) It conveys a strong benefit and 3.) It persuades consumers to action.

Direct marketing also gives you a chance to deliver your best offer directly to the people who most need them.

In times like these, it’s important to remember that direct marketing is a good way to:

  • Build and re-establish relationships with customers
  • A/B test different offers
  • Reach the right people, with the right message at the right time
  • Increase sales

But a good direct marketing campaign requires careful planning and a firm grasp of direct marketing tactics and techniques. Knowing how and when to use direct marketing can help you achieve your business goals. But before you get started, there are a few things to keep in mind:

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How to Use Direct Mail Retargeting to Recapture Sales

Relationship Marketing, Direct Mail July 2, 2020

The lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has changed consumer buying habits. Many people have gotten used to only venturing out to the grocery store or pharmacy. Online ordering is up. Curbside pickup is expected.

But as the country moves toward reopening, phase by phase, companies are looking for ways to recapture sales and reignite the interest of consumers in their brand.

Right now, many consumers need a nudge. And retargeting through direct mail could be the push they need to engage with your brand.

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Jump Start Your Marketing Now — So You’re Prepared for the Future

Relationship Marketing, Direct Mail June 12, 2020

We can all agree that coronavirus will leave behind a series of long-term consequences for marketers. And even though it’s taking about all you have to just “get through” it and put out the dilemma du jour, it is equally important to plan for the future. As tough as this is, you need to be prepared for what’s to come.

To that end, here are 5 ideas to guide you through the fog and into the future.

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Use Direct Mail and Get Inside the Reader's Head

Behavioral Economics, Direct Mail May 29, 2020

Converting leads has proven to be a major challenge for marketers during the COVID-19 crisis.

Well, here’s a solution that could help with this dilemma — direct mail.

Direct mail is having a moment right now.

In fact, the USPS "COVID Mail Attitudes" report shows that 65% of those surveyed said that getting mail actually puts them in a better mood. And 54% said direct mail made them feel more connected.

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4 Guidelines for Creating a Direct Mail Campaign Amid COVID-19

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail May 27, 2020

The pandemic has changed everyone’s priorities.

Right now, people are worried about their health, safety and financial stability. And further down the list is — ah, yes... business objectives.

In the midst of this crisis, you may want to rethink your marketing strategy. Any plans you made pre-pandemic may be off the table. So take time now to evaluate your method, your messaging and more.

Direct mail is a promising avenue for the current state of things. According to the WHO and the CDC, sending and receiving mail is considered safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. And with so many people staying at home, the mailbox is a direct line to your prospects.

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