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Why a Control Is Crucial

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative September 6, 2022

Your control.
The unique marketing juggernaut that delivers consistent results, more sales, and higher revenue time and time again.

In other words, it's one of the highest-performing campaigns you've produced to date.

That's precisely why...

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Why People ARE Falling Back in Love with Direct Mail?

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative August 22, 2022

According to MarketingSherpa, 76% of consumers say they trust promotions they receive in the mail.

Another recent survey (State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights from LOB) states that 50% of consumers aged 34-54 who receive direct mail from a brand think it feels more important than receiving an email.

And SmallBizTrends.com reports that 70% of consumers say direct mail is more personal than online interactions.

So what’s going on here?

Why’s direct getting all the love lately?

The short answer…

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Numbers Don't Lie — AND Here's what they say about direct mail

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative August 5, 2022

A recent report (the State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights, produced by Lob and Comperemedia) shows why direct mail remains a powerful and important part of any successful marketing plan. 

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Insurance marketers know the value of direct – especially now

Direct Marketing, Insurance Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative July 23, 2022

Paper costs are soaring… printing costs more… postage just went up… but insurance marketers continue to rely on direct mail for the results they need. In fact, consumers saw a slew of direct mail in Q4 2022. Here's one reason why...

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“I always wanted to be somebody, now I realize I should have been more specific.”   – Lily Tomlin

Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative May 18, 2022

Did you ever notice...

The most successful direct response campaigns have something in common —


I was first introduced to this idea while on a call with the great Herschell Gordon Lewis. During the discussion, he simply said — “…specifics sell.”

And the beauty of this concept is that it applies to direct mail... email... display ads... websites... landing pages... etc.

Be personal. Be relevant. Be specific.

If you write in generalities, if you write in broad strokes, if you pen mere platitudes, your copy will not only

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Why Your Direct Mail Package Should Take Advantage of Informed Delivery

Direct Mail May 5, 2022

46 million. 

That’s how many people in the US have signed up for the USPS Informed Delivery Program. This makes up about 7-10% of total US mail recipients (300 million+).  

But what is Informed Delivery? Those who sign up for Informed Delivery get daily emails from USPS, showing a preview of what’s on the way to their mailbox.  

And the impact among the people who opt in is significant. In fact, Informed Delivery emails get open rates as high as  63%. When you compare that to the 15% average open rate for other emails, it blows those numbers out of the water. 

So what does that mean for marketers? 

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Financial Service Brands Need to Connect the Way Customers Want

Direct Mail April 22, 2022

These days marketing is multichannel, with multiple efforts, multiple touchpoints, and multiple ways of reaching consumers. And although reaching out may be a multi-channel, multi-effort endeavor, the way consumers respond is now more singular than ever before...

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The New Age of Marketing

Direct Mail April 8, 2022

Get Ready to Pivot: Marketing’s Evolution in an Ever-Changing World

Amid COVID-19 and global conflict, marketing has not stopped evolving.

Newsflash: Marketers around the country identified trusted relationships as their customers’ highest priority in 2021. Impressively, the highest percentage of marketers reported that their customers now focus more on “trusting relationships” than “low price,” despite the economic downturn. This is not a fluke: according to the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, customers’ focus on trusting relationships has increased by 47% since this question was first asked in 2009.

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The Real Value of Direct Mail

Direct Mail March 29, 2022

It’s hard to talk about direct mail right now without talking about COVID-19.

Over the last 24 months, we have gone through the near-normal… we are now in the new normal — and are starting to head into the next normal.

Looking back, we see that in 2020, US marketers spent less and mailed fewer pieces than the previous year, according to Winterberry Group.

Direct mail volume was down 18.1% in 2020, with 63.8 million pieces of direct marketing mail being sent.

Spending on direct mail, along with other forms of offline media, experienced a steep decrease in 2020, too — down 17.2% over 2019 to $34.9 billion. This is a continuation of a multi-year slide in volume, although 2020’s slide was steeper.

However... direct mail came roaring back in 2021

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Reimagining Business in 2022: It's about Resilience, Relevance and Refocus [page2022 Keynote]

Data Marketing, Direct Mail January 14, 2022

On February 1, Ron Jacobs will be one of the keynote speakers for the page2022 conference, an annual event hosted by JAGAT, the Japanese Association of Graphic Arts Technology. The presentation is titled Reimagining Business in 2022: It's about Resilience, Relevance and Refocus.

The keynote presentation focuses on decisions that printing company managements, agency managements and marketing managers will need to make in the coming years to keep up with the way that prospects and customers are changing, and the new ways that your clients are going to market.

Every attendee has shown resilience, just to get through the last two years of Covid-19. The keynote addresses some ways that they can refocus their efforts, to remain relevant and help their businesses to thrive in the future.

Click the button below to sign up for the conference (note: the conference is in Japanese but Ron's presentation is in English). And keep reading to learn more about the keynote. 

Sign up 

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