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Where is Direct Mail Headed?

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative December 19, 2022

You were there.

So you know…

2022 was another year of Zoom calls… Nexflix binges, and lots of UberEats.

So what's 2023 going to look like?

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How to Make Direct Marketing Work for Insurance Companies

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative November 15, 2022

Insurance companies know risk.

But do you know the best way to attract and convert prospective policyholders?

If you follow a few important guidelines, your best, most effective, and most profitable channel could be direct marketing.

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7 Ways to Get Better Results

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative October 28, 2022

It's been a hell of a couple years.

Supply chain issues... political nonsense... inflation worries... not to mention a never-ending pandemic.  

It's no wonder a lot of companies are tightening their belts and bringing some marketing work in-house. After all, it’s cost-effective, it gives you total control, and you know exactly how and where your money is being spent.


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What Makes a Control a Winner

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative October 7, 2022

In our continuing analysis of direct mail control packages, we attempt to zero in on exactly what makes a control — a control.

What are readers attracted to?
What interests them about it?
Why do they read it?
Why do they respond to it?

Some controls are so good that they’ve bested all challengers to date. And they remain the undisputed control — sometimes for years. These are known in the industry as “Grand Controls.” You may have received some in your own mailbox. They show up every so often and you know you’ve seen them before. Chances are, you’ll keep seeing them until you respond — or a new control package beats it.

But the baffling thing is...

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Why a Control Is Crucial

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative September 6, 2022

Your control.
The unique marketing juggernaut that delivers consistent results, more sales, and higher revenue time and time again.

In other words, it's one of the highest-performing campaigns you've produced to date.

That's precisely why...

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Why People ARE Falling Back in Love with Direct Mail?

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative August 22, 2022

According to MarketingSherpa, 76% of consumers say they trust promotions they receive in the mail.

Another recent survey (State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights from LOB) states that 50% of consumers aged 34-54 who receive direct mail from a brand think it feels more important than receiving an email.

And SmallBizTrends.com reports that 70% of consumers say direct mail is more personal than online interactions.

So what’s going on here?

Why’s direct getting all the love lately?

The short answer…

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Numbers Don't Lie — AND Here's what they say about direct mail

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative August 5, 2022

A recent report (the State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights, produced by Lob and Comperemedia) shows why direct mail remains a powerful and important part of any successful marketing plan. 

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Insurance marketers know the value of direct – especially now

Direct Marketing, Insurance Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative July 23, 2022

Paper costs are soaring… printing costs more… postage just went up… but insurance marketers continue to rely on direct mail for the results they need. In fact, consumers saw a slew of direct mail in Q4 2022. Here's one reason why...

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Recession Marketing: The Direct Approach

Personalization, Marketing Data July 4, 2022

In any economic downturn, marketers can quickly find themselves in unfamiliar territory. Sure, no two recessions are alike. But marketers who have been around the block once or twice (or three times) may notice patterns in consumers’ purchasing behavior and/or in marketers’ strategies. And those strategies can either boost or bust their overall performance.

Often what you’ll see in a recession is consumers will tighten their belts and reduce their spending. As a result, sales drop and companies start cutting costs and reducing prices. Budget cuts across the board follow.

But hold on… wholesale reductions like these can be a mistake.

So, How Do You Market In Times Like These?

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System Failure - Please Check Your Marketing Message

Personalization, Marketing Data June 16, 2022

With hundreds and hundreds of decisions to make every hour, how do humans ever get through the day?

Well, it comes down to System 1 and System 2 thinking.
For example, if a speeding taxi were racin
g toward you as you stepped off the curb, you’d jump back. No thinking involved.

Or maybe it’s something more subtle, like noticing the facial cues of an angry boss. Either way, in these types of situations, your thinking is automatic. That's called System 1 – and it’s a far cry from the more deliberate kind of thinking you do when you’re asked to work through an algebra problem, assemble some new furniture, or do your taxes — the long-form. That’s System 2 thinking.

The idea that we use two systems to process information was detailed by Daniel Kahneman in his best-selling book, Thinking Fast and Slow.

And this concept is directly related to marketing and how consumers arrive at a purchase/no-purchase decision?

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