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Numbers Don't Lie — AND Here's what they say about direct mail

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative August 5, 2022

A recent report (the State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights, produced by Lob and Comperemedia) shows why direct mail remains a powerful and important part of any successful marketing plan. 

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Insurance marketers know the value of direct – especially now

Direct Marketing, Insurance Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative July 23, 2022

Paper costs are soaring… printing costs more… postage just went up… but insurance marketers continue to rely on direct mail for the results they need. In fact, consumers saw a slew of direct mail in Q4 2022. Here's one reason why...

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“I always wanted to be somebody, now I realize I should have been more specific.”   – Lily Tomlin

Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative May 18, 2022

Did you ever notice...

The most successful direct response campaigns have something in common —


I was first introduced to this idea while on a call with the great Herschell Gordon Lewis. During the discussion, he simply said — “…specifics sell.”

And the beauty of this concept is that it applies to direct mail... email... display ads... websites... landing pages... etc.

Be personal. Be relevant. Be specific.

If you write in generalities, if you write in broad strokes, if you pen mere platitudes, your copy will not only

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The Making of a Direct Response Control Buster

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative September 9, 2021

So you have a killer direct mail control package. Well done. It's getting some results... it's been working for years... it's a control, after all.

But here's the thing. You can always improve your control. 

Whether little by little through split testing or head-to-head with a brand new creative execution, you should always put your control to the test. And if a new control unseats your original... it's time to do it again.

Read on to learn how to build a package that can bust your control.

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How to Create a Successful Insurance Mailing

Direct Marketing, Insurance Marketing, Direct Mail August 27, 2021

Insurance: it’s one of the most complex industries out there.

With all the intricate information about plans, premiums, benefits, and beyond… well, it can be hard to wrap your head around.

This is even harder to do when your goal is:
• Get people to open your package… then read it
• Communicate with them in the simplest language possible
• Inspire the reader to take action

It’s a difficult challenge, but worth the effort. 70% of customers prefer to receive information about healthcare and insurance through the mail. When it comes to the insurance industry, direct mail continues to outperform every other channel, including digital.

But what makes an insurance direct mail package successful?

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Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative July 21, 2021

Henry David Thoreau said we need to "simplify" over 150 years ago...

And it's still just as true today.

Especially in the world of direct mail design.

Because direct mail design, much like digital design, has been changing over the years.

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Short Copy is Having a Moment - Here's why

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative June 25, 2021

There is a long-standing debate in direct mail —

Long detailed copy? Or short, quick-hitting copy?

What’s the best? Most effective? Most responsive?

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2021 USPS Cost Hikes: Is Direct Mail Still Worth It?

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail June 21, 2021

Effective August 29, 2021, many USPS services will see their first significant cost hike since 2019. The cost of a first-class stamp will increase 5.45% (from 55¢ to 58¢), while the cost of a domestic postcard will increase over 11% (from 36¢ to 40¢).  

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12 Thousand Online Shoppers Reveal What Makes Them Click

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative May 28, 2021

Today’s online shoppers face an ever-growing number of choices and mountains of information as they traverse the long and winding path toward a purchase.

Well recent research from Google has revealed that there are some specific strategies to help marketers make sense of what’s often referred to as the “messy middle” of that purchase journey. And it may help your brand land in the right place with the right messaging to the right shopper at the right time.

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Smart Marketers Will Be Heading to the Post Office Post-Pandemic

Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Creative May 14, 2021

You are ZOOM-ed out. You’re Webinar-ed out. You’re emailed out.

And — if you are — you KNOW your customers and prospects are. So, what’s the best way to reach the digitally exhausted, the weary-eyed masses in the post-pandemic world?

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